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Personalised support anytime...

We don't like you talking to machines. Or, we don't want you to spend hours waiting on a phone call to get help. Our Payment consultants and support teams respond to you as soon as possible over emails, phone calls, and with updates on your account on our portal.

As such, we enabled every piece of your payment details available to you on your dashboard with us. Take control of your financial transactions through BenePay's powerful Business Dashboard, providing real-time updates on payments, detailed statuses including on outstanding amounts.

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Hassle-free Payment Collection Experience

Experience a revolution in merchant support with BenePay's multi-fold channels, designed to address all your service-related queries promptly. Merchants can initiate payment requests through various easy-to-use intuitive methods. With a focus on reducing friction and expediting the payment process, BenePay empowers businesses to aim for a frictionless payment collection.

All your actions on the dashboard

Do everything possible on BenePay portal account.
BenePay goes beyond the ordinary, allowing merchants to initiate single or multiple payment requests with ease. Whether setting up repetitive, recurring, or subscription payments, our platform adapts to your business needs.
Take control with the power to initiate partial or full refunds directly from the BenePay dashboard, through a file, or via APIs. Witness the instantaneous credit of refunds to the customer's card or account, ensuring a seamless and transparent refund process.
Search for any transaction details using multiple parameters.

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Get your payment details in multiple ways

We provide you immediate updates to your email and also into your accounting platforms. You can download transaction details for a particular period or for a set of payments. 
You can download a detailed settlement report or we can deliver it to your mailbox.

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